
This section is auto-generated from the help text for the parsec command utils.

cmp command


parsec utils cmp [OPTIONS] METHOD CMP_WITH


comparison tool. Exits if the value read from stdin does not pass the comparison test with the specified value.

method is the comparison method. One of these (lt, gt, eq, ne) which will trigger a numerical comparison (cast to floats), or one of teq, tneq which will trigger a string comparison.

cmp_with is the value to compare against. E.g. ‘100’ or ‘test’


echo '5' | parsec utils cmp lt 10 # exit 0

echo '5' | parsec utils cmp lt 1 # exit 1


-h, --help  Show this message and exit.

library_recurse command


parsec utils library_recurse [OPTIONS] LIBRARY_ID


Get all the folders or filter specific one(s) via the provided name or folder_id in data library with id library_id. Provide only one argument: name or folder_id, but not both.


list of dicts each containing basic information about a folder


--path TEXT  Folder path to filter on (otherwise root of repo)
-h, --help   Show this message and exit.

wait_on_invocation command


parsec utils wait_on_invocation [OPTIONS] WORKFLOW_ID INVOCATION_ID


Given a workflow and invocation id, wait until that invocation is complete (or one or more steps have errored)

This will exit with the following error codes:

  • 0: done successfully
  • 1: running (if –exit_early)
  • 2: failure
  • 3: unknown


--exit_early         Exit immediately after checking status rather than
                     sleeping indefinitely
--backoff_min FLOAT  Minimum time to sleep between checks, in seconds.
--backoff_max FLOAT  Maximum time to sleep between checks, in seconds
-h, --help           Show this message and exit.

xunit_xargs command


parsec utils xunit_xargs [OPTIONS] _


xargs look-alike that wraps output calls as XUnit XML


parsec histories get_histories |             jq '.[].id' -r |             head -n 3 |             parsec utils xunit_xargs parsec histories get_status \| jq .percent_complete

will fetch the first three histories mentioned, and then pass them to xargs to run parsec histories get_status [history_id] | jq .percent_complete. This will in turn produce XUnit XML that can be used in Jenkins or similar systems:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<testsuites errors="0" failures="0" tests="3" time="1.5944418907165527">
        <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="Parsec XX" skipped="0" tests="3" time="1.5944418907165527">
                <testcase classname="parsec.histories.get_status.769f01a3981796db_|.jq..percent_complete" name="parsec.histories.get_status.769f01a3981796db_" time="0.604831">
                <testcase classname="parsec.histories.get_status.83fbc32772cb5fcf_|.jq..percent_complete" name="parsec.histories.get_status.83fbc32772cb5fcf_" time="0.483556">
                <testcase classname="parsec.histories.get_status.90c9282cb8718062_|.jq..percent_complete" name="parsec.histories.get_status.90c9282cb8718062_" time="0.506056">


-h, --help  Show this message and exit.